Lunches at my house are pretty quick and easy. I usually stick with plant-based soups or salads since we tend to eat more vegetarian during the daytime. My husband and I both have chronic health issues that can be better managed by a plant-based diet, which you can read more about here. I pack my older daughter’s lunches for school, and my youngest will usually eat what we eat (or mac and cheese, there is a lot of mac and cheese being consumed in our house). Below are the most common lunches we eat, which are also quick and easy to pack for work!
I usually eat soup for lunch at least twice per week. Something I have learned that is really important to add to my diet is beans. I try to eat them at least 3 times per week and soup is such a quick and easy way to check that box. Soups are an easy and convenient way to have a plant-based lunch with protein and require zero prep work. I love Amy’s brand since it is organic and has whole food ingredients that I would use if I made it myself. Lentil Vegetable, French Country Vegetable, Black Bean Chili, and Rustic Italian are my favorites. I eat this with a light string-cheese for added protein (I love Frigo brand). On these days my daughter will have Annie’s brand “Bernie-O’s” which are basically organic spaghetti-O’s with string cheese.

We also eat salad for lunch once or twice per week. I just buy bagged salad mix and will add cucumber, tomatoes, bell peppers, shredded carrots, black olives… whatever I have on hand. I like to add low-fat mozzarella cheese, chickpeas, and/or sunflower seeds for protein and my husband likes the frozen grilled chicken that you can just heat up in a pan (or for a work lunch you could use pre-shredded rotisserie chicken). We stay stocked with dressings that aren’t too high in sugar or fat, usually “Light” options, but you have to watch for added sugars as well. My daughter usually has a baby cheese tray on salad days with cut-up veggies, cheese and crackers, and grapes. Once per week, we also do takeout salads from Panera (the girls love their mac & cheese), because it breaks up the week and I’m addicted to their baguettes ;).
One of my daughter's favorite weekday lunches is scrambled eggs, so we have this twice per week with whole wheat toast and fruit. I like to have this on my workout days when I go to Orange Theory because it is more filling and higher in protein. Sometimes if I don’t feel like cooking on these days we will do turkey sandwiches with baked chips and cut-up veggies. I also usually have at least one “leftovers for lunch” day, which is usually Banza chickpea pasta with marinara sauce (another great source of beans!). It’s plant-based and high in protein (great for gym days!)

On the weekends, we usually pick up Chipotle or Firehouse subs. It’s definitely a treat to get takeout lunches, but I find their prices aren’t terrible, especially for fresh, less processed food (you’d honestly spend as much at McDonald’s). Whatever we order, I just make sure it contains lean protein, low fat, and lots of veggies.
Also, I’d like to mention that afternoon snack time is my favorite part of the day! While my youngest is napping and before I pick my oldest up from school, I like to have a little “me time.” I either have a green tea or a second coffee (if I need it) and something sweet like dark chocolate squares or a Kind bar or protein bar. My husband and I started this afternoon tradition while we were dating and it still makes me happy. He works from home, and most days one of us will send a “coffee time?” text around 2:00 so we can catch up for a few minutes. It’s nice to have a little treat carved into each day. I think having little things to look forward to no matter how small they are just makes life more fun.
Having plant-based/vegetarian breakfasts and lunches has really been a game changer for both myself and my husband when it comes to our health. If this is a change you are interested in making, I think you will find that it can help you have more energy throughout your day, and it has also helped me lose a few pounds. I never have a problem getting enough protein with these foods, and on days when I do feel like I need a little protein boost, I will have a greek yogurt (Oikos Triple Zero has 15 grams) or a protein bar (I like No Cow brand, which has 20 grams of protein). I use My Fitness Pal to track my calories and nutrition, and it is so helpful to know exactly what I am eating every day. I hope you find this information helpful!